
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Duty Honor Country - Audio (P01 - 03)

General Westmoreland//General Grove//distinguished guests//and gentlemen/ of the Corps!///

As I was leaving the hotel this morning///

a doorman asked me/"Where are you bound forGeneral?"///

And when I replied"West Point" he remarked"Beautiful place. /Have you ever been there before?"///

No human being //could fail to be deeply moved //by such a tribute as this. ///

Coming //from a profession I have served so long//

and a people /I have loved so well//

it fills me /with an emotion /I cannot express. ///

But this award //is not intended primarily /to honor a personality//

but to symbolize /a great /moral code --//

the code /of conduct /and chivalry /of those /who guard /this /beloved land /of culture //and ancient descent./

That //is the animation /of this medallion. /

For all eyes and for all time//it is an expression /of the ethics /of the American soldier. ///

That I should be integrated in this way//

with so /noble an ideal //arouses /a sense of pride /and yet /of humility //which will be with me /always. ///

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Duty Honor Country - Audio (P26-30)
