
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Duty Honor Country - Audio (P22-25)

You are the leaven//

which binds together /the entire fabric /of our national system of defense. //

From your ranks /come the great captains /who hold the nation's destiny in their hands /the moment the war tocsin sounds. //

The Long /Gray Line /has never failed us. //

Were you to do so//

a million ghosts /in olive drab//in brown khaki//in blue and gray//

would rise /from their white crosses /thundering /those magic words: /Duty/Honor/Country. /

This does not mean //that you are war mongers. //

On the contrary//the soldier/above all other people/prays for peace/

for he must suffer and bear /the deepest wounds and scars of war. //

But always in our ears /ring the ominous words /of Platothat wisest of all philosophers: //

"Only the dead /have seen the end of war." //

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Duty Honor Country - Audio (P26-30)