
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Duty Honor Country - Audio (P20-21)

Others /will debate /the controversial issues/national and international/which divide men's minds; //

but serene/calm/aloof/you stand /as the Nation's /war-guardian//

as its lifeguard /from the raging tides /of international conflict/

as its gladiator /in the arena of battle. /

For a century and a half/

you have defendedguardedand protected /its hallowed traditions /of liberty and freedom/of right and justice. //

Let civilian voices //argue the merits /or demerits /of our processes of government; //

whether our strength //is being sapped /by deficit financingindulged in too long//

by federal paternalism grown too mighty//

by power groups grown too arrogant//

by politics grown too corrupt//

by crime grown too rampant//

by morals grown too low//

by taxes grown too high//

by extremists /grown too violent; //

whether our personal liberties /are as thorough and complete as they should be. //

These /great national problems /are not /for your /professional participation /or military solution. //

Your guidepost /stands out /like a ten-fold beacon in the night: /Duty/Honor/Country. /

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Duty Honor Country - Audio (P26-30)